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Misdiagnosis of Lyme Disease Can Lead to Complications

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North Carolina patients who have been diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease may be interested to learn that, according to a report, an increasing number of patients who exhibit ambiguous symptoms are being misdiagnosed. In some cases, patients are being diagnosed with Lyme disease even though there is no evidence that they had been infected with the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria.

Part of the problem with being misdiagnosed with chronic Lyme disease is that it puts patients at risk for being given inappropriate and intensive courses of intravenous antibiotics. These antibiotic courses have led to septic shock and often show no signs of effectiveness. Some patients turn to alternative treatments as a result, which could include infusions of hydrogen peroxide, electromagnetic frequency treatments and stem cell transplants. Further, the misdiagnosis can prevent or delay patients from receiving appropriate treatment for their actual underlying condition.

There are a number of typical symptoms of Lyme disease. They include headache, fatigue and fever. Additionally, the disease can be accompanied by a skin rash that has a characteristic bull's eye shape. If the disease is not treated, the infection can spread to other body symptoms, such as the heart and nervous systems. Even so, the treatments can be dangerous, especially if a person has similar symptoms but does not actually have Lyme disease.

The failure to diagnose Lyme disease can leave a patient with severe pain and other medical complications. However, misdiagnosing a patient with Lyme disease, especially if there is no evidence of infection, can result in septic shock or even death. If a delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis resulted in serious complications for the patient, a medical malpractice attorney may act as an advocate while filing a claim against the health care provider or facility.

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